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Bobcat Bulletin Feb 24th-March 1st

Posted Date: 2/23/25 (11:05 PM)

Bobcat Bulletin
February 24th-March 1st
Smyer Elementary News
Elementary Parents,
We have a pretty calm week coming up.

If you have a third grader, please make sure they get a good night's rest on Monday night. They will take their practice reading STAAR test on Tuesday. We know they will do amazing!

Just a reminder, for when using the pick up lanes. Please do not stop on the crosswalks to let out your students. Please SLOW down when driving in the pick-up lane. If you have a teenager driving, please remind them especially of this as well as driving slowly around the school during school hours, especially in the morning and afternoons.

Very proud of 12 of our 6th graders competing in TMSCA events (Number Sense, Calaculator, Mathematics and/or Science). They have another meet coming up this weeked at Smyer. Good luck and work hard this week to qualify for State!

Big congratulations goes out to our 5th and 6th graders that competed in their Band Solo competition this week. I got to judge a few of them and we have a bright future in Music!

Below is a newsletter our 5th graders put together on their own. A few students came to me and asked if they could do this and I thought it was a great idea. I can't wait to see them grow!

Have a great week,
Mrs. Gibson
Smyer News
Smyer News Comic
Smyer News 3
Smyer News 4
Smyer Secondary News
Secondary Familes,
Great job to the Smyer Bowling Team who has advanced to the regional tournament!! Chloe Horn, who is ranked 4th in district, has also advanced in singles and will also compete in the all-district tournament!

I would like to recognize the Varsity Baseball team for winning both games in the Tulia/Swisher County Tournament this past weekend against Friona and Muleshoe.

Great job to all our Stock Show & Ag Mech Kiddos who have done very well at the major livestock shows the past couple weeks! Way to represent!! Great job Smyer FFA!

Great job to our TMSCA competitors who competed at Atkins Middle School this past weekend. The Smyer TMSCA meet will be held this Saturday.

Good Luck to our Golf, Tennis, Track, Baseball, Bowling & TMSCA teams as they compete this week! We wish those competeing in the UIL Solo & Ensemble Contest in Abernathy good luck as well!

We will have a 6th-11th grade cheer tryout (parent/student) meeting this Wednesday @ 5:30 in the cafeteria to introduce the new sponsors and go over the new handbook for the 2025-2026 school year.

Please don't forget to order your yearbook! Please visit and search for Smyer.

Mr. Pond
Counselor's Corner Graphic
We are very grateful that Mrs. Langill and Pepper were able to find time this week to help out Idalou's counselor in their time of loss.
February Counselor
Explore Careers
Career Videos
Smyer Athletics
February Athletics
Spring Sports Schedules
RankOne-Click Here
Bobcat Band Header
Band News:
Last, week our 5th and 6th Graders performed at the Smyer Solo Contest. These students put aside their nerves and had many great performances. Solos are scored on a scale of 1 to 5 with 1 being the best. All of our students received a rating of 1 (superior) or 2 (excellent). On Friday, all of the students received their gold and silver medals and they seemed very excited!

This week, our High School Band students will be headed to Abernathy on Friday for the UIL Solo and Ensemble Contest. The itinerary will be sent out to the students involved.
Band February
Band Weekly Planner
5th Band
6th Band
One Act
We are almost finished with our staging of the HS UIL OAP. Call list for this week:

Tuesday- 4:00 - 6:00- All Actors- Katie, Juliana, Remi, Asher, Kyra, Kianna, Tiffany, Madason, Devin

Thursday- 4:00 - 6:00- All Cast and Crew
Claws Closet Donation Ideas
Attendance Matters
This school year we are going to focus on student attendance. Some say it takes 10,000 hours of quality practice in somthing (sports, music, reading, math) to become an expert in it. When a student misses school they are losing the ground to become the best they can be.

If a student misses 10 days in school year = 4,930 minutes/82 hours of instruction lost

If a student misses 10 days a year every year during their elementary years, they will have missed: 34,510 minutes/575hours of instruction. WOW!

We want our kids to be set up success and not struggling to make up the exposure they lost from being absent! This year we are going to have a STRIVE for FIVE goal--no more than five absences for the school year.
Strive For Five
Weekly Planner
Monday, February 24th
  • Boys Golf Tournament @Amarillo
  • Varsity Baseball @Lubbock Christian 5pm
Tuesday, February 25th
  • 3rd/4th Bobcat Store Open
  • 3rd Grade Reading Benchmark
  • Girls Golf Tournament @Amarillo
  • 2nd/3rd Grade Chess Club after school
Wednesday, February 26th
  • 4th-6th Chess Club After School
  • JH/HS Cheer Try-Out Parent Meeting Smyer Cafeteria @5:30pm
Thursday, February 27th
  • 2nd-6th Reading/Writing TELPAS test
  • JH/HS Tennis @Levelland
  • Varsity Baseball @Denver City
  • JH Track Meet @Crosbyton
Friday, February 28th
  • HS Solo and Ensemble Contest in Abernathy
  • Varsity Baseball @Denver City
  • HS Track @Crosbyton
Saturday, March 1st/Sunday, March 2nd
  • TMSCA Meet @Smyer
  • Baseball Tournament @Denver City
  • Smyer Bowling Team Regional Tournament-Sunday
Coming Soon
Upcoming Events
  • March 3rd-6th Read Across America Week
  • March 3rd-7th Educational Diagnostician Week
  • March 7th-School Maintence Worker's Day
  • March 5th-PSAT
  • March 10th--5th Science Benchmark
  • March 12th-3rd-6th Math Benchmark
  • March 14th--Elementary Big House Day
  • March 14th--Early Release
  • March 14th--Cheer Tryouts
  • March 17th-21st Spring Break
Person using a laptop
Contact info
If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact us. You can reach out via the following links:

  • (806) 234-2935