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Bobcat Bulletin Sept 30th-Oct 5th

Posted Date: 9/29/24 (4:52 PM)

Bobcat Bulletin
September 30th-October 5th
Smyer Elementary News
1st Grade
Elementary Parents,
This week our students will take their October IStation test. We hope to see all our students grow from the previous month!

Congratulations to our September Students of the Month:
PreK--Emma L.
Kinder--Everett N. and River K.
1st--Bristol P. and Annabella P.
2nd--Cutler M. and Jericho C.
3rd--Micah C. and Emily L.
4th--Presley N. and Paisyn B.
5th--Sadie R. and Aubrey M.
6th--Felicy B. and Gavin B

Our first round of attendance letters were sent home on Friday. If you receive a letter your child has missed more than 4 days. Letters were sent even if there was doctor's excuse just so you are aware of the total number of days your child has missed. We had awesome attendance the first six weeks. Several of our grade levels received a treat this past Friday from Mr. Wade for having an attendance rate of 97% or better. Great job, PreK, 1st, 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th grades. When you are present you are learning and do not have to play catch up.

Mrs. Gibson
goals days
Smyer Secondary News
Secondary Familes,
I would like to wish the Smyer Marching Band good luck on Tuesday as they compete at the Green & Silver Marching Contest in Portales. I just want to remind everyone that we have a Fall Break Scheduled 10/4-10/7. (No school on these days and Varsity football is open this week.) District XC is Monday the 7th @ Plains.

Try-Outs are Wednesday October 2nd from 3:00 - 5:00 pm for JH One-Act Play. Look for a cast list in next weeks newsletter!

Mr. Pond
Fall Break
Fall Festival
candy donations
Candy Donations
Our Fall Festival is a community event being put on by many of our secondary classes and organiztions. We would love to see lots of kids there to enjoy the games and treats. Elementary classes are raffling off some great baskets of goodies. There will also be a cake walk and a haunted house. Admission for most games are free. The cake walk and haunted house are additional fees. There will also be a vendor that will be making custom t-shirts on site as well as food trucks!

In order to help the clubs, organizations and classes with candy, we would appreciate any candy donations. Donations can be brought to the school or there will also be a box for donations at the Horseshoe. We thank you in advance for any donation of candy!
Counselor's Corner Graphic
October is Bullying Prevention and Red Ribbon Month

Mrs. Langill will be sharing information with students on "See something, say something" and to not be a bystander. Students will get opportunities to problem solve through scenarios of how to handle bullying situations.

At the end of the month we will have our Red Ribbon week to take the pledge against drugs. Be looking for information on dress up days and how we will celebrate being "Drug Free"
Langill October Calendar
Smyer Athletics
RankOne-Click Here
Example calendar with dates pinned
Football Information
October 3rd--JH/JV vs Ralls @Home 5pm
October 4th--No game this week
Football Schedule
Pep Rally
No game this week
Spirit Days
Bright Idea on a cork board
Lady Cats Volleyball
7th grade placed 3rd place in the 1st Smyer JH Volleyball Tournament.
Senior night was a HUGE success. We celebrated Ella Kirkland and Calleejo Burt.

Coach Franklin would like to thank Calleejo for always being a great teammate and role model for her team. She always pushes herself to get better and encourages her other teammates. The team would like to wish her the best of luck on her future endeavors. Thank you, Calleejo!!

Coach Franklin would like to thank Ella for stepping out of her comfort zone and trying new positions. Coach Franklin would like to thank Ella for always being willing to help and try new things and being a leader on the floor. The team would like to wish Ella the best of luck in her future endeavors. Thank you, Ella!!!

JV Beat Talkington 2-0 on Tuesday.

JH A teams for both 7th and 8th grade play Monday at 5/6pm @ All Saints.

JV White plays Loop JV on Tuesday at 5 pm
JV Blue will play Loop Varsity at 6pm in Loop.

JH B teams for both 7th and 8th grade play at 5/6pm @ Smyer against Trinity

UPDATE: Game time change for 10/12--JV Blue will play at Tahoka at 10am
Senior Night
Senior Night
JH VB Schedule
JV VB Schedule
Bobcat Band Header
Band News:
This week's award winners:
Marcher of the Week- Jose Bueno
New Marcher of the Week- Rebekah Fannin
Section of the Week- Flute Section

Green and Silver Marching Contest- Tuesday, October 1st

Band Week at a Glance
Tuesday Schedule
Strive For Five
Attendance Matters
This school year we are going to focus on student attendance. Some say it takes 10,000 hours of quality practice in somthing (sports, music, reading, math) to become an expert in it. When a student misses school they are losing the ground to become the best they can be.

If a student misses 10 days in school year = 4,930 minutes/82 hours of instruction lost

If a student misses 10 days a year every year during their elementary years, they will have missed: 34,510 minutes/575hours of instruction. WOW!

We want our kids to be set up success and not struggling to make up the exposure they lost from being absent! This year we are going to have a STRIVE for FIVE goal--no more than five absences for the school year.
Monday, September 30th
  • 7th/8th VB @All Saints 5pm
Tuesday, October 1st
  • 5th/2nd Grade Store Order
  • JV VB @Loop 5pm
  • Green & Silver Marching Festival @Portales
  • Elementary IStation Testing for October
Wednesday, October 2nd
  • School Custodian Appreciation Day

Thursday, October 3rd
  • JH/JV Footbal vs. Rallsl @Home 5pm
Friday, October 4th
  • Fall Break-No school students or staff
Saturday, October 5th

Coming Soon
Upcoming Events
  • 10/7--Fall Break/No School
  • 10/7--District Cross Country @Plains
  • 10/8--4th Grade Field Trip-Ag Awareness Day
  • 10/9--4th Grade Field Trip-Electric Company
Person using a laptop
Contact info
If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact us. You can reach out via the following links:

  • (806) 234-2935